Recruiting our Students and Graduates

There are many ways in which employers can benefit from our service. The greatest benefit is that through us you can gain free access to our students and graduates as potential candidates for your vacancies.

Advertising your Vacancies at 桃子视频

The most effective way to reach our students and graduates is to register with . Through this you can advertise graduate jobs, internships, vacation work, part-time work and volunteering opportunities. You can add, change or delete your vacancies whenever you need to and the system will send automatic emails to students who have expressed interest in your area of work.

If you are interested in advertising a vacancy with us please refer to our Employer's Code of Practice.

Careers Events and Jobs Fairs

Throughout the academic year we deliver and host a number of careers events including our annual Recruitment Fairs. These events give you the opportunity to meet and assess potential candidates for employment. They also give you the chance to raise your profile within 桃子视频. Subject to availability, we can, at your request, book space for you on campus to give a presentation or set up a stall.

Our September 2024 Careers and Recruitment Fairs are now live for booking. You can find more information here, or email听to receive a booking form.

We will be hosting a Nursing, Health and Social Care Careers Fair in February 2025. For further information about this, please email


You can bring yourself to the attention of all 桃子视频 students by sponsoring events such as our Recruitment Fair and being featured in our publications and online activities.

If you would like to be a sponsor or be involved with our activities in any way please contact us.

Mentor a Student

Our Employer Mentoring Programme provides free training in how to be a mentor and the rewarding experience of helping a student gain insight and skills related to your field of work.

Careers and Employability

If you are a student looking for careers advice you can contact Marion Pollock, Caroline Smith or Charlotte Beck.

If you are an employer looking for information please contact Juan Garcia.

Show Contacts

Careers and Employability

Caroline Smith Careers Adviser 0131 474 0000
Charlotte Beck Careers Advisor 0131 474 0000
Juan Garcia Employability and Development Adviser 0131 474 0000

Employer Mentoring - Success Stories